AFT's Farmer Relief Fund

The public health crisis before us is testing America’s resilience in ways we haven’t anticipated. This crisis is also testing the systems that support our society at large.  

Farms and ranches engaged in direct sales are estimated to lose anywhere from $700 million to $1.3 billion in sales between March and May alone.  

This is a critical time for these farms, which tend to be small businesses and are going to be one of the most immediately affected farm groups. It’s also the beginning of planting season, a time when little money is coming in and much is going out.  

That’s why AFT is launching the Farmer Relief Fund. This effort will award direct market farmers with cash grants – to help them weather the current storm of market disruptions. One hundred percent of proceeds from this fund go to farmers in need. That means every dollar that goes into the fund will be awarded to farmers with the greatest needs. 

Farmers and ranchers provide the food we rely on everyday--and they are the backbone of local communities and economies. 

Now more than ever, they need your support. 

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